EVE Online Community Team

EVE Online Community Team

14 Mar

That Friday feeling has arrived, which also occasionally means it's Community Beat Day!

We wanted to celebrate the educators in New Eden for this edition of the Community Beat as the people who help us understand the universe can sometimes go urecognised for their efforts, so we wanted to give a small thank you to those who have helped players across the universe. Learning takes many forms in New Eden, for example, videos to help educate players who have been away for an extended period of time, and you want to help them get caught up. Say no more, this video from BushidoMaru caught our attention to help with exactly that!

Or, more infographic visual examples for our visual learners from ...

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02 Mar

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat! On the heels of the very chonky dev blog about the future of EVE's API, this Beat will prominently feature several third party tools and contributions!

EVE Workbench 2.0 beta preview

Whether you need help coming to grips with the complex task of fitting internet spaceships or maybe you just don't have time to theorycraft your own fit and want to grab one that someone else prepared earlier then EVE Workbench is a go-to site.

The new 2.0 version of the site is now in preview and you can ...

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14 Feb

Greetings, New Eden, and welcome to the Community Beat! Here's a highlight of some of the neat and cool things the EVE community has been up to over the last few weeks!

CSM Summit Airplane Mode!

CCP recently hosted the CSM for the annual summit at our HQ in Iceland, which involved flying the CSM across for a week of in-person meetings. Last year, the Guristas "acquired" a series of CONCORD ships destined to be prizes for the 20th Alliance Tournament and put their adaptations on them. One of those prizes, adapted from the Marshal, is the high-value Python, a black ops battleship Drake Iddon owns and operates.

As is the sandbox nature of EVE, Drake set himself a goal with his ...

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31 Jan

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the Community Beat! Here’s a roundup of some of the cool things that have emerged from the EVE community in the last couple of weeks which caught our eye.

New Take On An Old Favorite

We don’t often get to feature musical content in the Community Beat, but recently a Youtuber called Ghaladen who makes bass covers of popular video game music chose classic EVE track My Other Residency for his special treatment. Be warned though: this is so chill you may lapse into a coma, so make sure you’ve filled up your skill queue before listening.

Voices of New Eden

EVE Rookies founder and member of CSM 18 Kshal Aideron has be...

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17 Jan

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the first Community Beat for 2025! It's a new year for New Eden as well - YC127, in fact.

Although many of us got to enjoy a little break sometime during the last month it sure didn't seem like the hard working creators in the EVE Online comm...

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20 Dec

Welcome back, space friends, to the final Community Beat of 2024, your dose of community news from around the cluster!

The latest Pulse video highlighted some shenanigans you got up to across the year, and jolly gosh, you've all been busy! Mixing a bit of the recent with some of the upcoming, Dujek Oneye shared some of the alliance propaganda/art that Brave makes for its Alliance Tournament team. We thought it was too cool not to share:

It highlights th...

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22 Nov

o7 Spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat!

CCP Lumi, Jotunn, and Zelus from the Community team, along with a host of EVE Online and EVE Vanguard developers, recently attended EVE London!

EVE London November 2024

We were all enthralled hearing your stories about what you've all been up to recently with the expansion, too - hearing about the battles that have broken out over people trying to get their Merc dens in place in the march towards individuals securing their own Deathless goodies. (Honestly, if you know any empty planets... The whole community team is also fighting over them... we're borderline 1v1'ing at the sun over here to decide who gets the next spot!) Of course, m...

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08 Nov

Greetings, space friends; we return to your regularly scheduled Community Beat!


During the last community beat, we were amid the Alliance Tournament and saw some fantastic content being created surrounding that. With the tournament now over, Skyler Hawk, CEO of the winning alliance, The Tuskers Co. posted an After Action Report (AAR) about their journey through the tournament, including the buildup, the planning, the blow-by-blow of each match and even wraps up with some concluding thoughts on the tournament and internal stats from their run. Even if you're not necessarily interested in the Alliance Tournament specifically, AARs still prove to be interesting educational reads, highlighting the discipline and skill required for a ten-pilot group to execute a win successfully, as well as what they learnt. ...

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25 Oct

Welcome back, capsuleers, to a special Alliance Tournament XX edition of the Community Beat!

Last weekend, we kicked off the monumental 20th Alliance Tournament with a broadcast live from CCP HQ in Reykjavik, Iceland, joined by a dozen of EVE’s most talented player commentators, analysts, and referees. Their combined expertise and enthusiasm helped us bring the magic of the tournament (and a wall of swords) to CCPTV.


The Alliance Tournament (AT) is one of the EVE Community team's biggest productions, rivaled only by...

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11 Oct

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest edition of the Community Beat! We find ourselves in the thick of the Council of Stellar Management election season so let’s take some time to look at what’s happening out on the hustings.

Council of Stellar Management 19

Although this is the Community Beat and usually focuses on player-created content, we would like to mention the CSM19 candidate interviews which took place on the official CCP Twitch channel recently. Over the last weekend CCP Swift and CCP Lumi interviewed dozens of candidates in 10 minute bite-sized chunks so you could get to know them and their platforms better. If you missed those streams but would like to know the candidates running for CSM19 in order to make a more informed decision then check out the VODs ...

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27 Sep

What's that you see? Is it a Condor? Is it an Archon? No, it's just Friday hitting; you like a gang of suspect Catalysts warping to you, but, on the upside, it also means it's time for a new Community Beat to read whilst that death animation plays out!

While contemplating what ship to pick next, have you ever considered the crew in the situation you put them in? THINK ABOUT THE FAMILIES ONBOARD! All those precious souls don't get to reclone back to their homes.. WELL, ANYWAY, did you know there's a tool to show you an estimated number of the total lives lost on ships you've lost versus ships you've destroyed? Not only that, but it hits you right in the heart by telling you some of the names of the lost people and their roles on board. Throw the URL into your ...

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13 Sep

Hello spacefriends and welcome once again to the Community Beat! Let’s see what’s caught our eye in the last couple of weeks…

When Drifters Attack!

If you’ve been paying attention to the in-game news you’ll be aware that the Drifters have begun an assault on the mysterious system of Zarzakh where the Deathless Circle resides. The Drifters have been locked out but they’re using Horizon Breach Engines to brute force the Jovian stargates in the four neighboring systems and gain entry. Capsuleers can assist in the defense of Zarzakh and earn rewards for doing so.

To find out more about the Horizon Siege Point sites check out this video from EVE Partner Nth Dimensional...

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30 Aug

What's that you see? Tis but another community beat! Your fortnightly dose of community creations and activity across the universe in what you've all been up to and what you've shared. Let's get stuck in!

Set sail for a BIGAB adventure!

History plays a lot in the average EVE player's life. The longer we play, the greater the things we learn and the more courage and confidence we carry into familiar scenarios. When we're comfortable to learn more, we explore those opportunities and expand our knowledge further. Video maker Sven Bauer shared a video they made of their one year in Deepwater Hooligans, achieving 4000 kills! Highlighting 8 of their favourite moments across the year into a single video, it's assembled in a storytelling manner, giving a bit of background to each moment, sharing fle...

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16 Aug

Your regular update on what's happening around New Eden! We’re here to share some of the amazing things that the EVE community have been creating, events that are in the works, and pay tribute to a fallen capsuleer.

A Man and His Orca

In the vast universe of New Eden, the tales of daring solo pilots often go untold. This week, we're thrilled to spotlight the incredible journey of a lone capsuleer in the video A Nomad Tale 15. We’ve featured Chloroken and his escapades before, but after months of meticulous planning, he’s back with a new adventure to share! From building all four Strategic Cruisers from scratch to then scoring kills with them, this three-and-a-half-hour odyssey is a masterclass in perseverance, strategy, and raw skill, making it a must-watch for every EVE enthusiast. Whether you're a veteran or a newcomer, this video is sure to leave you inspired!

Birthday Cake Ramp Up

BirthdayCake... Read more

02 Aug

Howdy Spacefriends!

August is here, which marks us nearly 60% through the year, but much like conflict in New Eden, progress marches on!

In this edition of the Community Beat, we continue to review some of the kickass content you've all been making. We kick off with some of the :chefskiss: art that we've seen created the last couple of weeks - If you've joined any of the community team Live2Feed broadcasts, we occasionally drop into the ESSs when we roam around, so this one caught our eye for relatable reasons! Monzoobo was commissioned to produce some ESS banner art for ...

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19 Jul

Hello space friends, and welcome to the second Community Beat in July!

This time around we'd like to shine the spotlight on a few awesome videos that caught our attention. Starting off, we have Rist Gaming with his recording of the near 2 Trillion ISK fight that took place in Ignoitton over a Metenox Moon Drill last week. This massi...

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05 Jul

Welcome back, capsuleers, to a new edition of the Community Beat – your resource for fun stories that you’re creating across New Eden. In this edition, we look at community blogs, showcase what some of our creators have been up to, let you know about player meetups both in-game and out, and more!

Blog Life

Stories in New Eden come in many forms, from epic battles to solo adventures. What we love about New Eden’s rich blogging history is that they tend to put a spotlight on smaller stories that don’t get featured elsewhere. Take ...

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21 Jun

Greetings, New Eden; we're back with another edition of the Community Beat! Let's dive straight in with some of the cool things that have happened within the EVE Online community in recent weeks.

Spotlight on Third-Party Dev Projects

Our community's third-party developers have been hard at work, creating tools and projects to enhance your EVE experience. Let's check out some of their latest releases.

  • EVE Trade Terminal: Discover a comprehensive market tool that provides up-to-date information and insights to help you navigate the bustling markets of New Eden.

  • My Minmatar: Whether or not you are fighting for Minmatar in the warzone, ...

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06 Jun

o7 spacefriends,

Coming at you one day earlier than usual, we are back with another edition of the Community Beat. As always this is your update on what's been happening in New Eden. This week, as we celebrate special milestones and space battles, we also marvel at new artwork and look back on bittersweet memories.

Celebrating 20 years!

Earlier this year we celebrated EVE University's 20th birthday and now it is Chribba's turn. Known as the most honest man in EVE, Chribba reached a special milestone on 31 May 2024, celebrating 20 years in his corporation. He's been part of his corp for longer than some of us have been alive... Think about that.

20 years in corp - Chribba

Congrats ...

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24 May

Greetings spacefriends,

We’re back with another edition of the Community Beat. Following the last edition celebrating EVE’s 21st birthday, we’re back to our regularly scheduled broadcast celebrating all the exceptional creations, generations, variations, and sensations (maybe some abbreviations, too, at this point..) that you’ve all been working on and coming up with!

NPSI.Rocks (and occasionally.. rolls) - Shrinkwrapped 300!

NPSI.rocks ...

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